Package org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge.outbound

package org.jboss.jbossts.txbridge.outbound
  • Classes
    AbstractJTAOverWSATHandler<C extends>
    Provides method call mapping between JTA parent coordinator and WS-AT subordinate transaction.
    Provides method call mapping between JTA parent coordinator and WS-AT subordinate transaction.
    DisabledJTAOverWSATHandler<C extends>
    This handler is used when default-context-propagation is disabled.
    EnabledJTAOverWSATHandler<C extends>
    This handler is used when default-context-propagation is enabled.
    A handler that sits in the client side JAX-WS processing pipeline between the application and the XTS header context processor.
    Web service feature is used to enable or disable JTA context propagation over WS-AT.
    Manages Thread association of the interposed coordinator.
    Maintains the mapping data that relates JTA transactions to WS-AT subordinate transactions and related objects.
    Integrates with JBossAS MC lifecycle and JBossTS recovery manager to provide recovery services for outbound bridged transactions.