Class RecordType


public class RecordType extends Object
The following enumerated type defines the types of record that are derived from AbstractRecord. The type also defines the order in which these types may be held by an AtomicAction if a record refers to the same object (as defined by the AbstractRecord operator== operation). Since records are processed sequentially during an AtomicAction operation the ordering below also defines the order in which each operation is invoked. Hence a LOCK type record will always have operations invoked before an RPCTERMINATE type record. This ordering is important otherwise some records may negate the effects of other record, e.g. during the top_level_commit operation a RPCTERMINATE record terminates a server - this should not occur before the server record has sent the final Commit rpc.
JTS 1.0.
$Id: 2342 2006-03-30 13:06:17Z $
Mark Little (